Useful Links
Some Useful Links to tradesmen, councils and emergency call outs
Glasgow City Council Noise Control (Out of Hours): 0141-287-6688
Environmental Health Land & Environmental Services: 0141-287-5937
Glasgow City Council Stair Lighting (24 Hours): 0800-595-595
Stuart Eadie Roofing Services Ltd: 0141 429 6829
Onesco Ltd – Plumbers07523 948624
Stuart Eadie Plumbing Services Ltd: 0141 429 6829
WSS Ltd: 0141 950 9000
KGB Enterprises
David Henderson Electrical: 0141-778-0465
Donald Shearer Electrical (Helensburgh): 0780-244-0912
Drain Cleaning
I & D Cant – Drainage: 07973 204405 / 07973 209234
Around Glasgow Glazing: 0141 810 5222
Door Entry Systems
Electra (Greenock / Largs) – Door Entry System & Electricians: 01475 723121 / 07848037517
KGB Enterprises
WSS Ltd: 0141 950 9000
Common / Private TV Aerials
KES Aerials: 0141 772 4491
Pest Control
Allpest Services: 0141-779-5694